Alan Guindi

Sweet start for Spanish grape

Spanish grape producers could be set for sweet success this year as brix levels are back on track after a string of difficult seasons.

Alan Guindi of the Richard Hochfeld Group said all varieties are looking good, with Flame, Ralli and Crimson sizes looking “big and bold”, and Sugraone (licensed under the Superior Seedless brand for some growers) expected to come on stream in the next three weeks.

“Over recent years Spanish grapes have struggled a bit to get the best sugar levels but it looks like sugars will be quite high this year,” he said.

Foods From Spain said the grape campaign will start with small volumes this week, after excellent growing conditions in Murcia have brought the season forward.

Exporters are predicting volumes to exceed last year’s crop of

15,000 tonnes - around one third of which was received by UK customers - said FFS director, María José Sevilla.

Reports indicate warm weather in the critical April to early-May period allowed for good fruit set, and sugar development proceeded well as temperatures remained between 28-30ºC in the first week of June.

While the grape market is notoriously difficult in July, with fruit from Morocco, Israel and Egypt all competing for shelf space, Guindi believes Spain is in a relatively strong position. “There will always be a lot of grapes available in July but Spain is the leader on price and can compete on quality,” he told FPJ.

FFS will support Superior Seedless branded grapes during the peak season, with an on-pack Kids go Free promotion featured on more than two million packs sold in the four main UK retailers, and a competition on its dedicated website,

Sevilla said: “Consumption of grapes in the UK is still increasing by more than 10 per cent year-on-year. Competition is growing too, but there are few countries of origin that have ongoing and integrated promotional activity of the standard Foods from Spain is now setting.”