The annual international agricultural exhibition Agro Mashov in Tel Aviv is set to host the unveiling of a new method in sweet potato growing.

The special seedlings have been developed by the "Tiv Shtil" nursery with the aim of replacing the traditional cutting system - cutting a piece of the plant and replanting it to create a genetically identical plant - currently used worldwide.

The seedlings have been developed by Rafi Rodman, an organic agriculture instructor from the Israel Bio-Organic Agriculture Association (IBOAA) for the last three years and planted successfully in several commercial fields.

The use of seedlings shortens the period of growth by almost a full month, therefore enabling a substantial reduction in time and possible increase of output.

The seedling saves up to 80 per cent of the manpower needed for the cutting system and is said to have a 100 per cent take-up rate.

The seedlings will be presented at the Innovation Booth at the Agro Mashov exhibition on Jan 14-15, alongside many other new and unique innovations in fresh produce.