Swancote potato schoolschildren

The children at Hodnet School get to grips with the potatoes

Swancote Foods helped children at a local school bake their own lunch as part of a potato play day.

The reception and pre-school classes at Hodnet School in Market Draytonlearnt about potato farming, how to cook jacket potatoes and mashed potatoes, and used the many different varieties - supplied by Swancote - to produce potato paintings.

The children took to the water to see which potatoes sank or floated in water and were shown potato plants so they could see for themselves how they grow underground.

Amy Bradley, commercial manager at Swancote Foods, which is based near to the school, said: “We are delighted to be working with local schools and to be able to show the children where their vegetables actually come from. We hope they had lots of fun while learning about the potatoes we produce and process at our plant.'