Supply strife on purple-sprouting broccoli

Purple sprouting broccoli is suffering from supply problems as the effects of earlier inclement weather take their toll on both UK and Spanish crops.

“There is quite a lot of crop available now that should have been there before Christmas,” explained Neil Booley of Staples Vegetables.

He said a lot of product has been grown in Spain by a handful of growers but these supplies have not come onto the market in a timely manner: “Spain was supposed to supply from December until about mid-Feburary so Spanish supplies should have finished, but that did not happen.”

Unseasonably cold weather in the main Spanish growing areas meant that some supplies have been lost completely and growth has slowed dramatically.

The situation is similar in the UK and Booley reports that small amounts of the brassica are being harvested now. “Spanish production is starting to flush now, but what we want is to drag it out as long as possible,” he said.

“Normally, we wouldn’t because UK production would be starting now, but it is late this year and in some cases plants were killed off completely by the cold weather.”

Purple sprouting broccoli is proving difficult to grow. “With sprouting broccoli it is very difficult to grow it to hit a specific window on the market,” said Booley. “It seems that whatever you do, it is harder than it is with other broccoli.”

Producers are now hoping for some mild spring weather to enable them to plant later this month for the June-July marketing window.