Too many shoppers are left short of options

Too many shoppers are left short of options

The Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) claimed this week that research from the British Brands Group (BBG) illustrates that the supermarket sector is not meeting the needs of more than a quarter of the UK population.

The BBG survey suggested that the elderly, wealthier shoppers, those without a car, people of ethnic origin and single parents with dependent children - who all make up 26.5 per cent of the UK population - are being failed by the UK grocery market.

“This is a crucial piece of research which challenges the view that supermarkets bring nothing but benefits for consumers,” said James Lowman, ceo of the ACS. “More than a quarter of the population is not having their needs met by the structure and competition of the current grocery market.

“This study warns the Competition Commission (CC) and commentators against sweeping conclusions that treat consumers as a homogenous, car-borne group. Rather, as this study shows, a large proportion rely on a much broader retail mix and, where that is failing, their interests are undermined.

“Now is the time to act to ensure that the choice and diversity which these consumers need is available. This research proves that the CC must take steps to ensure there is a healthy grocery market for all consumers,” Lowman said.

But the British Retail Consortium (BRC) challenged some of ACS’s conclusions. “The large chains are doing more than ever to provide stores that offer a range of products and value, but even closer to their customers. Some 90 per cent of people use supermarkets regularly and saying that there are groups of people who have no access is wrong,” said a BRC spokesman.

The ACS is the convenience store champion, representing 33,000 small shops. The research found that only one in six respondents questioned actually bought their shopping in one trip, and 94 per cent of the ethnic group, 92 per cent of lone parents, 88 per cent in the wealthy group, and 78 per cent in the older group think it is good to have a local convenience store nearby.
