Marketers of branded apple Sundowner are set to launch a healthy eating campaign aimed at children.
The Juicy Science project will teach children about fruit and vegetables through simple science experiments that they can try at home.
A series of apple-based experiments for children will be rolled out to coincide with Sundowner apples hitting the shelves in July.
A competition with 40 top UK universities that encourages science-based students to design and enter their own Juicy Science experiment will also be running over the next two weeks. The prize is a trip for two to South Africa.
Andy MacDonald, managing director of Sundowner brand manager Coregeo”, said: “Healthy eating for kids is at the forefront of everyone’s mind. As Sundowner is a branded apple, we are constantly competing with high-profile branded confectionary for children’s attention.
“It might be juicy, sweet, just the right size and not so easy to bruise, but the challenge remains- how do you get children to pick an apple over a chocolate bar? Well, a set of simple, well-designed science experiments seems a good start.
“Sundowner now has an amazing opportunity to really impact on UK consumers this year, and with support from the retailers, we are confident that an increase in sales will reflect the efforts of this campaign.”