The Eat in Colour (EiC) campaign has already reached millions of UK consumers thanks to a double-page spread in The Sun last week and three mentions by Terry Wogan on his BBC Radio 2 breakfast show.
The Sun is the UK’s largest circulation daily, with a readership of more than three million. A further 9m unique users visit The Sun Online. Terry Wogan’s show is also calculated to have 8m listeners.
“It has been a wonderful success to get three mentions on Terry Wogan’s show on Valentine’s Day and the coverage in The Sun is very important, not just in terms of numbers, but because the readership is the target audience we most want to reach,” said Anthony Levy, who chairs the EiC board.
Agency Bray Leino runs the campaign and has been using a number of families nationwide who previously struggled to eat 5 A DAY - giving them tips to get more fresh produce into their diet and featuring them in regional press as well as The Sun reports.
“The families have been going on the menus for a week, and the fantastic thing is that it shows that Eat in Colour really works,” said the agency’s Aisling Mustan. “One family were only spending £1 a week on fresh produce and £77 on takeways and have been delighted with the changes.”
The challenge involves the families switching £5 of their spend away from convenience foods to fresh fruit and vegetables.
Mustan said that regional coverage has also been very important as EiC is aiming at the 15 largest circulation titles that give it a full geographical spread across the UK and the C1-C2-D consumer group it is targeting.
Now Levy and the rest of his board are actively seeking further sponsorship from the industry as it looks to rolling out the next stage of the campaign.