Success makes potato supplier smile

Leading potato supplier the Higgins Group has unveiled its latest variety - the Smile potato.

The variety, which has been named after an obvious white ‘smile’ marking on the potato skin, is already gathering acclaim, the company said.

Smile has already been shown at a number of county shows around the UK and won the prestigious Bi-centenary Gold Medal at the Royal Horticultural Society’s show, beating off competition from 314 other varieties.

David Higgins, managing director, said: “This is excellent recognition of the value of Smile in the potato world. We could have wished for no greater recognition.”

The company said the potato is very versatile, suitable for chipping, boiling, roasting and baking.

Higgins added: “Smile is an ideal variety for growing at home, as well as supplying a first-rate crop for commercial growers.

“We are actively introducing Smile to the general public by giving talks to interested societies and by discussion and tasting sessions.”
