Study: toddlers eat too much fruit and veg

A trading standards study into nursery meals across East Sussex has found that too many fruit and vegetables could damage toddlers’ health.

Scientists have found that a diet high in fibre and low in fat, with plenty of fruit and vegetables, is ideal for adults, but not suitable for young children aged one to four.

This diet, which most nurseries follow, could lead to vitamin deficiencies and even stunted growth in toddlers.

Sarah Almond, a consultant specialist paediatric dietician who has analysed the results of a trading standards study into nursery food, said: “Nurseries are applying the principles of adult healthy eating to the food they are supplying to young children.

“We expected the study to show nurseries were serving children food that was too high in calories, fat, saturated fat and salt, and low in vegetables and fruit. Instead, we found that the majority of nurseries had gone to the other extreme and appeared to be providing food that was too low in calories, fat and saturated fat and too high in fruit and vegetables.”

The research also found that four out of five nurseries were giving children portions that were too small and only three in 10 provided them with meals containing enough calories. The study revealed that only 30 per cent of meals in East Sussex were providing meals with enough calories.

According to Almond, the under-five age group has different and specific nutritional requirements to those children of school age and have a high energy and nutrient requirement. Because they have a small stomach and a relatively under-developed gut, they cannot consume large quantities of food at a time, but need frequent small meals and snacks throughout the day.

An intake of too much fibre - such as that absorbed through over-consumption of fruit and vegetables - can result in insufficient intake of other food groups and inhibit the absorption of key minerals.

There are no government regulations for the provision of toddlers’ meals. Experts say the lack of national legislation means the trading standards study, which analysed samples from one week’s worth of breakfast, snacks, lunch and supper from every nursery in East Sussex, is likely to be an accurate reflection of the national picture. Purnima Tanuku, chief executive of the National Day Nurseries’ Association, said: “Nationally, nurseries face conflicting advice about food. Consistent advice from Ofsted and other bodies about nutritional requirements for this age group are badly needed.”