Stubbins nursery welcomes local kids

Local children paid a visit to Stubbins Marketing’s pepper nursery in Waltham Abbey last week, as part of the firm’s ongoing campaign to raise awareness among the younger generation of the benefits of locally grown British produce.

Stubbins played host to 20 youngsters, their teachers and parents from the local Treehouse nursery, and also welcomed Barry Gramlick, store manager of Asda in Harlow.

Children were greeted with an educational slide show, given the chance to look at peppers on the plants, shown a model beehive and were taught about the role bees play in pollination. A tour of the nursery followed, and there was also a competition with prizes for the kids, based on what they had learned during the day.

The visit concluded with a picnic in the garden of Stubbins Hall and an Asda goody bag for each child.

“The children already eat peppers from the Stubbins nursery every week, so were particularly interested to see where and who was growing and supplying their salads,” said Norina Difrancesco of the Treehouse nursery.

“The children really seemed to enjoy their day at our nursery, and it was great to see their enthusiasm and energy,” said Sam Difrancesco, manager of the pepper nursery.