The contact-acting acaricide Borneo has a new special off label approval (SOLA) for use in strawberries for the control of the two-spotted spider mite to add to its label recommendations in protected tomatoes and aubergines and its SOLA in protected ornamental plants.
Etoxazole, the active ingredient of Borneo, is a contact-acting acaricide that works by inhibiting chitin production, so affecting moulting and growing in spider mites. This results in effective control of eggs and all immature stages of the spider mites. It also has an adverse effect on egg production in adult females, through its chitin inhibition, and so makes the female sterile.
The product will give best performance if used at the first appearance of the first mobile stages of spider mites. It should also be applied in sufficient water volumes to obtain good crop coverage, with a minimum of 500 litres of water/hectare. Borneo has a residual action of around 45 to 60 days.