Supplies of strawberries from Spain are improving as cool weather in the main growing area of Huelva in the south-west of the country starts to lift.
'Supplies have picked up this week and we are now getting a reasonable volume through,' said John Grieve of specialist importer Lisons. 'We did have some cooler night-time temperatures but it is warmer this week. Quality is good and there is not so much white shoulder this year. Colour is fairly good and fruit is of the right size.' The demand has also been pleasing because of Valentine's Day this week.
Importer AFI also reports improvements in other supply countries. 'There is a slight increase for Spain and Morocco for next week,' said the company's Ian Waller. 'We are a little behind where we expected to be at this point in the season, but demand is good. Israel and Egypt have the potential to remain significant suppliers for at least another six weeks if needed.'