IN THE United States, StePac's Xtend® post harvest system for asparagus has been selling successfully for the past two years. Now European trials are leading the way to the availability of substantially extended storage and on-shelf display times for European asparagus growers, shippers, importers and retailers.
The Xtend® post harvest system is capable of lengthening storage and on-shelf display times by up to 28 days. This means that the period during which retailers can command a premium price for quality asparagus has increased. StePac is now also selling Xtend® consumer and microwave bags which protect quality right up to consumption, offering ultimate convenience to consumers as well as added value to retailers.
StePac's first trials in Europe were held in conjunction with Special Fruit in Belgium and focused on Peruvian asparagus. Ted Buis, Stepac's commercial representative in the Netherlands, says: "The results impressed and it was decided to conduct further trials on European white asparagus. Five different types of modified atmosphere and humidity bags were tested in several locations in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Austria. Results demonstrated a significant benefit when the asparagus had been stored for more than two weeks. Despite this length of time in storage the asparagus remained beautifully white with shiny, glossy tips and no sign of shrivelling or water loss as long as the asparagus was kept in a closed bag at the recommended temperature."
In Germany the tests were conducted with Spargel Meier in co-operation with the Landwirtschaftskammer Hannover. Buis adds: "Trials with 5kg bags proved the ability of Xtend® to maintain the asparagus in exactly the same state as when it was packed. The same results were found at Spargelhof Kutzleben."
Trials in Belgium and the Netherlands clearly demonstrated that Xtend® post- harvest treatments made a big difference, with their 16-day storage requirements. Buis says: "Test results with Dutch company TeBoZa showed again that after three weeks the asparagus stayed in a perfect state and was graded top quality."
Once the asparagus is taken from storage and put on display in the retail outlet, there is more scope for deterioration and handling damage, this was taken into consideration in Xtend® trials with ZON in Netherlands.
"The trials have been exploring the benefits of 500gm consumer bags in which the asparagus is packed post-storage," says Buis. "In summer time, the peak period for asparagus sales, StePac's recommendation is to display the asparagus on chilled shelves at 10°C. The aim is to maintain quality on-shelf for five to seven days. ZON was especially pleased to see how much longer storage life had been extended and to observe the fresh quality of the cut edge at the asparagus base."
After a year working with asparagus retailers in the US, StePac took another innovative step in the development of Xtend®.
Technical manager Shay Zeltser says: "StePac is now selling microwave bags for both green and white asparagus. They allow the asparagus to stay white for up to 28 days. The bag can be popped straight into the microwave oven and after six minutes the asparagus is ready to eat, while maintaining its field fresh flavour."
Xtend® microwave bags also appeal to food service and catering industries. Asparagus tends to be seen as a luxurious but high maintenance product. The company hopes the microwave bag concept could help stimulate sales of more convenient formats such peeled asparagus and asparagus tips.
Commercial success in the US and trials in Europe demonstrate that is possible to lengthen significantly the time asparagus stays fresh from harvest to consumption and they also show the potential for turning asparagus into more of a convenience product, fitting in with an important general retail trend.
Zeltser says: "From the growers and shippers perspective, this means keeping their customers, especially the supermarkets, very happy. For the retailers themselves the key to profitability is the price achieved, per pound weight of produce sold and with consumers more likely to pay a premium price for high quality produce, Xtend® provides a way of making asparagus an even better commercial proposition for everyone in the supply chain."
COLLEGE students throughout the UK have responded to the challenge of creating a flexible pack for fresh un-cooked asparagus.
In this year's Institute of Packaging Student Starpack competition, judges were looking for eye-catching shelf-appeal, kitchen convenience, breathable material for freshness, and cook in the bag capabilities. Students were given the brief to design a pack that would attract consumers to try asparagus for the first time.
Lisa Jones, a design student at Swindon College in Wiltshire, took the award, jointly sponsored by Amcor Flexibles and retailer Marks & Spencer.
Competition judge and Amcor Flexibles applications and marketing manager Jane Bicknell was impressed with Jones' design. She says: "Lisa’s easy-open pack design was simple for consumers to use, with good graphics and shelf appeal. It was also easy to transport and display in-store.”
As her prize Jones received £500 and two weeks work experience at the two companies.