Tom Stenzel, President and CEO of US produce association United Fresh has been named the the new president of the International Federation for Produce Standards (IFPS). Joining Stenzel in the role of vice-chairman is Harrij Schmeitz of Netherlands-based Frug I Com.

Stenzel said: “IFPS is a very important association in bringing together produce associations from around the world to work collectively on global produce standards.

“We learn from each other; share our individual views and experiences; and work together to increase the efficiency and reliability of the global produce supply chain.”

In addition to the announcement of Stenzel’s election, IFPS also announced that it has been granted observer status as an international non-governmental organization (NGO) to the Codex Alimentarius Commission, providing the produce industry a focal point for interaction regarding global produce standards with the commission.

The IFPS Board will host its second international forum at Fruit Logistica in Berlin in February 2012.