Stena Line has officially launched its newest freight ferry, the Stena Traveller, on the company’s Killingholme to Hoek van Holland route.

The introduction of the new ship completes a massive £170 million investment programme which, in the past two years, has included the arrival of the Stena Trader on the same route in August 2006 and the lengthening of the two Ropax vessels Stena Hollandica and Stena Britannica on the Harwich to Hoek van Holland route.

Stena Line Freight has an extensive customer base in the 'conditioned' transport business and on the westbound leg with the UK being such a prolific consuming nation. The conditioned transport includes vegetables, fresh fruit and fruit juice, as well as flowers and flower bulbs.

Pim de Lange, area director North Sea for Stena Line, believes that the huge investment indicates the ferry company’s confidence in its North Sea routes and the fact that the company is fully prepared to face the future.

“Demand for freight transport on the North Sea continues to rise,” said de Lange. “Until now, freight transport on the Hoek van Holland to Killingholme route has consisted of 40 per cent trucks with a driver and 60 per cent trailer only. On the new Stena Traveller and Stena Trader ferries, there are excellent facilities for hauliers, such as a restaurant and deluxe cabins, which we believe could increase the number of trucks with drivers making the crossing from 40 to 60 per cent.

“On the two lengthened vessels sailing on the Hoek van Holland to Harwich route, freight capacity has risen from 180 to 260 units.”
