Stena Line makes freight appointment

Stena Line is strengthening its freight organisation with the recruitment of Björn Petrusson as group freight director from 1 August. Petrusson will have overall responsibility for running and developing Stena Line's freight business.

Gunnar Blomdahl, CEO, Stena Line which operates services between The Netherlands and the UK and Ireland and the UK said: “There is growth in the European transport sector and we want to make further investments in order to expand in the freight sector. We have made investments of approx. SEK 10 billion (£930million) in our fleet and we have great potential for further expansion of our volumes on the freight side."

Stena Line is to develop its business by taking an increased share of existing transport flows but also to develop its freight business geographically and increase the opportunities for intermodal solutions.

Petrusson comes will join from Swedish trading company Elof Hansson Trade and has has previously held senior positions in international shipping and logistics, including MD of DFDS Tor Line in Sweden and Belgium, supply chain director at Bulten Automotive AB and as CEO of Ewals Cargo in Scandinavia.

Stena Line's freight business has a turnover of some SEK 5 billion and today, it is approximately 50 per cent of Stena Line's total business.