Obst Partner Steiermark, which represents 1,100 apple growers in eastern, western and southern Steiermark, told visitors at Fruit Logistica that more than 90 per cent of its network is now EurepGAP certified.
The group produces over 140,000 tonnes of apples annually, including some 3,000t of organic apples, and together they account for 70 per cent of all the apples grown in Austria. Marketing manager Franz Schaden also reported that the product range is augmented by some 3,000t of pears and the same amount of plums.
A total area of some 4,700 hectares is under cultivation and annual turnover totals €60 million. The 13 marketing enterprises (packihouses) operate both within and outside Austria. Schaden: “Fifty per cent of our apples are already being marketed abroad by the Apple Export Association, Eva. We export to over 20 countries, the most important being Germany, the UK, the Scandinavian countries and Eastern Europe,” said Schaden.
The main Obst Partner Steiermark varieties of apple are Golden Delicious (36 per cent), Idared (16 per cent), Jonagold (15 per cent) and Gala (13 per cent). Braeburn, Fuji and Pinova are also gaining in popularity.