The Food Standards agency (FSA) has commissioned Campden and Chorleywood Food Research Association (CCFRA) to undertake a series of mini-surveys to provide up-to-date information on the levels of salt in processed foods.

The news comes with supermarkets being heavily criticised for increasing consumers' risks to heart attacks due to too much salt in their own brand lines of ready meals, including healthy-option ones.

Figures revealed show that some single portions of shepherd's pie, lasagne and chicken korma contain over half the recommended intake of daily salt intake.

Many of the prepared meals that fall under the FSA's complaint contain processed fruit or vegetables. Sir John Krebs of the FSA said: 'It isn't acceptable for ready meals to be loaded with salt and to be called healthy options. The food industry has a responsibility to be honest with customers.' In response a spokesperson for Asda said: 'We are very disappointed with the results. We take this very seriously and we will be working to put things right.'