Spud girls a hit for Andalusia

The Andalusian Early Potatoes Association handed out 1,200 samples from its stand at Fruit Logistica last week as part of the Andalusian Sensations campaign.

President of the association, Mariano Ruiz Perea, said: “Our idea is to build an image that is recognised by the European market and based on point of difference. We want to recoup some of the market share that at the moment is in the hands of third country producers from around the Mediterranean Basin.”

Ruiz said Fruit Logistica provided the ideal forum for visitors to taste Andalusia’s potatoes with some of the best that the region’s cuisine has to offer, such as olive oil and tomatoes and peppers from Almería and Granada or tuna from Huelva, Cadiz and Malaga. “It is the best and tastiest way to appreciate Andalusia’s products and so achieve renown among our target audience of European consumers,” said Ruiz.

His association represents most of the growers, marketing desks and exporters involved in the early potato sector in Andalusia. Their season runs from April to June and there are 20 member companies and co-operatives.

The association’s exporter membership accounts for 90 per cent of volumes sent to other EU countries such as Germany, the UK, the Netherlands and Belgium. Production is concentrated around Seville, Cadiz, Huelva and the low-lying fertile fields around Cordoba. The season runs from April to June and this year some 12,000 hectares are under production.