Whitefly is one of the pests Spruzit works against

Whitefly is one of the pests Spruzit works against

The insecticide Spruzit, which is active against biting and sucking pests in edible and non-edible crops, is soon to be available in two new pack sizes - three and 10 litres replacing the current five litre container.

Spruzit contains naturally derived pyrethrins and oils in a formulation that targets insects’ nervous systems. It can work against a range of pests including caterpillars, aphids, spider mites, mealy bugs and whitefly at the egg, larval and adult stages.

Certis’ marketing manager Robert Lidstone said: “Following the approval of Spruzit for use through tractor mounted hydraulic sprayers, broad acre outdoor applications are now a practical option for growers of fruit and vegetable crops. Having looked at the needs of both the protected and outdoor sectors we concluded that each required a different pack size,” he says.

The smaller three litre packs are aimed at the protected crops sector allowing 0.25-0.5 hectare to be treated per pack dependent on the use rate, while the 10 litre pack is designed for use on outdoor broad acre crops.