Spanish Superior spell ends

The campaign for Spanish-grown Superior Seedless™ grapes wound up with final shipments to the UK last week.

Although the crop, estimated at around 17-18,000 tonnes, was larger than average, exporters were able to sell more fruit to a strong market in continental Europe.

There was sustained hot weather in Spain, which meant that the grapes matured more rapidly. As a result, an increase in volumes more suited to the colour requirements of European retailers also diverted some fruit from the UK during the last two weeks of the season.

Stronger competition from sources such as Morocco at the beginning of the campaign has focused Spanish minds further on the importance of differentiating the quality of its product while Superior Seedless™ is available. This year, the Foods from Spain promotional drive saw on-pack offers, other in-store activity, PR and advertising during and beyond the key window for the country in July.

María José Sevilla, director of Foods from Spain, pictured, said: “July is the crucial month in the season for Spanish Superior Seedless™ grapes, and we made sure that we highlighted availability to shoppers during this time. We also understand well the need to reinforce the reasons for eating Spanish grapes at times when there is a choice of sources on the shelves. Our campaign has done that for the second season running.”