A cold snap in Spain is affecting arrivals of strawberries in the UK. Night-time temperatures were down to 0°C in the main production region of Huelva at the weekend and earlier this week which has led to a shortening in supply just as this season’s volumes were beginning to build.

“The result is that there is a volume of fruit waiting to be picked which has been unaffected by the sudden change in conditions,” said Scott Woolford of The Summerfruit Company, part of the Redbridge Group. “This indicates potential substantial arrivals for the week beginning March 13.”

Meanwhile, picking in Morocco has been hit by rainfall so that any shortfall from Spain is unlikely to be met from this source. According to the Summerfruit Company, Egpyt could become an alternative source but air freight costs “will need to be taken into account,” said Woolford.

Growers in Huelva are expecting to produce some 300,000 tonnes of strawberries this year, according to their representative association Freshuelva. This is some 25,000-30,000t up on last season’s frost struck year, and more in line with an average season. Association president José Manuel Romero estimates that some 85-90 per cent of production will be destined for the fresh market in 2006, the majority of it for export.