This season's Spanish crop could well be the best in years

Spanish stonefruit crops thrive

The Spanish stonefruit industry is optimistic ahead of a promising season as cool weather conditions benefited crops across Murcia.

The apricot, peach, nectarine and plum crops are of “excellent quality”, as abnormally cool weather conditions in the winter months created longer chilling hours across the region.

These conditions are optimum for stonefruit crops, creating uniform fruit, with less wind affecting the leaves and fewer pests able to survive in the cooler conditions. Temperatures are now more than 20°C and light levels are good.

Rupert Maude, commercial director with producer/exporter El Ciruelo, told freshinfo: “The fruit is looking excellent and we anticipate good volumes. If the sunny weather now holds, we could have a landmark season.

“Demand looks to be fantastic and we will be exporting to the UK, France, Germany, eastern Europe, Poland and the Czech Republic.

“In the past we have had to target customers but more and more are coming straight to us. We are enhancing the image of Murcia as a clean, responsible and sustainable growing region.”

Apricots, peaches and nectarines look set to begin the season in early May, with plums hitting the market around May 20.

Last year a transport strike in June hit Spanish stonefruit exports to France but, without this to contend with in 2009 and with the favourable conditions, growers are now optimistic.

“We are hoping we will get the volume to give us the opportunity to combat price with a large quantity of good fruit, as production could be as much as 10 per cent up on estimates.

“There may have to be some levelling from the retailers to compensate for the weak sterling and it really depends on supply and demand, but we are very confident,” added Maude.

Spanish exporter FreshRoyal is also cautiously optimistic about the season, despite the economic climate, as the first white peaches are set to arrive in Rungis in Paris.

Commercial director for stonefruit, Juan M. Moreno, said: "It will be a difficult year for everyone, but we believe that the client, even in difficult times, demands quality. It will certainly be a year of added value."