Gavin Pearce



Spanish grape producer AMC Muñoz is putting great faith in Ralli, a pink seedless variety that is grown almost exclusively for the UK market.

The exporter will have around one million kilogrammes of the licensed Australian-bred variety available this season, the second year of commercial volumes. It has the exclusive rights for Ralli in Europe and throughout the Mediterranean.

Muñoz’s Gavin Pearce said: “Our customers are desperate to get more of this variety. In our opinion it is far superior to the Flame that is available. Ralli produces a bigger berry, it is sweeter and consistently looks very good.”

The season runs through July and 75 per cent of the crop will be sold in the UK. The variety will give retailers additional scope for mixed red and white grape punnets.

The company also expects big results from the black seedless variety Ebony, which it also has exclusive rights for in Spain. It will be on-shelf, only in M&S, from mid-July and is also picked out by Pearce for its exceptional consistency. l See next week’s Journal for a feature on Superior Seedless® from Murcia.