Spanish persimon prospects strong

As the new season for Spanish persimon gets underway, growers have forecast record production, with a total of 50,000 tonnes predicted for 2010.

The increased volumes are the result of good weather and new plantings in the Ribera del Xúquer region, and should lead to the largest ever volumes of the Denomination of Origin (DO) protected fruit sold in the British market.

The season should also be extended by up to three weeks, with fruit potentially available until early January.

Last season, approximately 27,000t of DO persimon was exported from Spain, lower than forecast due to unseasonable wet weather, which held back volumes in the early part of the season.

Rafael Perucho, head of the regulatory council Kaki de la Ribera del Xúquer Plaça, which controls the DO certification, said: “This year, we are expecting our largest ever crop of persimon, and excellent quality for export. The return to normal growing conditions means we can realise the potential for the fruit.”

A Foods from Spain campaign to support sales of persimon in the UK has run in-store and in the media since 2005. During this time sales have increased year on year, and the fruit has been listed in three of the UK’s leading retailers.

Once again this year, the initiative is focused on consumer education and encouraging trial of persimon, with in-store tastings and on-line activity a key part of the activity, as well as opportunities for journalists to find out about the fruit.

We are continuing our promotional campaign through Foods from Spain to build British consumers’ familiarity of the persimon,” said Perucho. “Over the last five years, we’ve seen encouraging growth in the market. With a strong campaign and increased availability, we plan to build further awareness amongst shoppers and boost sales further during the season ahead.”

Full volumes of Spanish persimon are forecast be on the market by the end of October.
