The UK is a complex market, but one that it is important Spanish senders do not give up on, a leading Murcian exporter has said.

Juan de Dios Hernández, chairman of Import Export Diali and president of the producer-exporters’ association Ibérica Hortofrutícola told delegates at the association’s first agm since its foundation in 2008 that lemons were an important part of the region’s portfolio. He said: “In Murcia, lemons are our star product. We handle enormous volumes. At Ibérica Hortofrutícola, we have become a regional and national authority in the defence of the lemon sector, dedicating our efforts to promoting a fruit that has been very much disparaged in recent times. I believe the UK is a very complicated market. It has access to lemons from other less well-developed producer countries such as Turkey and South Africa. These sources cannot compete with us on quality, but the one very negative factor against the UK is that sterling is very low.”

Murcian exporters have enjoyed considerable success in exporting to Russia in particular this past season and Import Export Diali was recently honoured in Moscow as the best fresh produce exporter to Russia.

Hernández said: “All our markets are interesting and it is important never to close any doors, but just to strive on improving quality, presentation and logistics.”

He added that he felt very proud of what the 30-member association has achieved in its first year. Although the group of companies represents production of salads, vegetable and stone fruit as well as a host of citrus lines, it may well look to closer links with other citrus groups in the future. Hernández said: “The future of this association could be a fusion with other citrus bodies which could lead to an improvement in the pitiful circumstances the citrus sector is experiencing.”