Spanish issue melon maturity warning

Andalusian fresh produce association Hortyfruta is warning growers not to cut their melon and watermelon crops too soon and risk breaching minimum brix levels.

In a statement to growers, Hortyfruta said: “Within all the different parameters that consumers take into account when buying melons and watermelons, the most important is flavour.”

Hortyfruta has made clear that watermelon with brix levels below 11°, Galia below 13° and yellow melon below 14° should not be cut.

The statement said: “Taking into account that we are in a global market in which there are a lot of competitors, it is fundamental and vital that products reach the retail chains with maximum guarantees of quality and flavour so that consumers opt more for melons and watermelons from Andalusia than from other competitors.”

Hortyfruta has been working hard on consumer research to establish consumer tastes and preferences.