Production in the Murcia region has been affected by cold weather slowing production two weeks ago and extremely variable temperatures since then.

'Night-time temperatures are going as low as –5°C some nights or +6°C other nights,' explained Ian Dennis of Das International. 'The cold weather two weeks ago slowed growth down and as the crop was running ahead of schedule anyway, it has caused a general shortage in Europe.' Dennis warned before Christmas that a gap in iceberg supply was likely as part of the knock-on effect of an oversupplied market in December. 'What we are seeing is a hole in supplies,' he told freshinfo. 'It came later than we expected but production for some people is now 30-40 per cent down.' The market in Germany is extremely strong also helping to drive prices up in the UK for the low volumes of small iceberg. 'The better pricing is good news, but without the volume will that be enough to counter the effect?' said Dennis.

'The next couple of weeks will be crucial: a lot of growers have already lost a fortune.'