Low temperatures and frosts across Spain over recent days have caused concern among the country’s fresh produce sector over possible damage to late year crops, with one report already indicating losses among artichoke producers.

Although southern Spain has so far been spared the worst of the weather, Spanish television reported this week that temperatures were dropping well below zero in many regions, including Valencia, Catalonia and Aragon, reports Fruitnet.com.

According to Valencia-based fresh produce association La Unió, around 450 hectares of artichokes have been affected over the last two days in the province of Camp de Turia in Valencia region.

Some late season Kaki persimmon is also said to have been damaged in the province of Ribera Alta.

But, although temperatures as low as -4OC have been recorded in several zones, La Unió said the damage to crops in Valencia had so far “not been so serious” due to the “short duration of the cold periods and wind impeding the development of frost”.

In the neighbouring region of Murcia, the low temperatures and frosts are reported to have adversely affected artichoke production in the Guadalentin Valley and province of Cartagena, as well as to a lesser degree, lettuce and grape production.

Alfonso Gálvez Caravaca, general secretary of regional association Asaja Murcia, said: “The low temperatures and frosts are seriously affecting some fruit and vegetable crops in the region of Murcia.”