Citrus growers’ leaders in Spain are warning producers not to pick and ship their fruit too early but learn the lessons of last season and only send produce in optimum conditions.

Valencia-based association Ava-Asaja reported that some producers in Valencia and Andalusia were already harvesting easy-peelers as early as last week when fruit did not have the required maturity or quality necessary for sale.

Association president Cristóbal Aguado said that overall citrus volumes are forecast to be 20 per cent down on last season and with less late season supply from Argentina due to frosts, the prospects for the Spanish campaign are good. “However, this optimism could be abruptly curtailed if these undesirable practices of picking fruit before it is ready or when the skin is still green persist,” said Aguado. He added that the markets are very receptive but that producers would be defrauding consumers if they sent fruit that was not yet of marketable quality.

As well as appealing to the sense of responsibility of the supply chain, Ava-Asaja is also calling on the authorities to keep up their vigilance through farm inspections.

“It takes a lot of effort to conquer a market, however to lose it is very simple,” concluded Aguado.