Spanish citrus output forecast to fall

The easy-peeler and orange crop from the main Spanish growing region of Valencia is expected to fall by 20 per cent year on year in the upcoming season.

According to estimates by Ava-Asaja in Valencia, the main varieties affected by the decline in output are Clemenules clementines and Navelina oranges.

As these are the most planted and therefore highest-volume varieties in their respective categories in Valencia’s orchards, the association is hoping for a well-balanced season.

It said in a statement: “This should therefore help avoid oversupply and overlapping of varieties which can cause problems on the marketplace and lead to a positive outlook for the campaign for growers.”

The main reason for the decline in volume is the frosts in February this year and the drought conditions of the summer.

However, heavy rainfall towards the end of last week has been of great benefit to the citrus sector, according to Ava-Asaja. In some parts of the Valencia region some 150 litres per square metre fell on Thursday and Friday last week replenishing reservoirs, cleaning trees, saving on irrigation and bulking up fruit size.