Spanish citrus has battled all the usual weather conditions in different measure to start slightly later than usual this year

Spanish citrus has battled all the usual weather conditions in different measure to start slightly later than usual this year

The regional executive in the eastern Spanish area is likely to announce figures by next week and they are expected to concur with the forecast from producer organisation Ava-Asaja. "We are basically expecting a normal year," said the organisation's Juan Salvador Torres. "We have had hail, we have had rain and of course the high temperatures, but then we see all these every year to some extent."

Severe hail struck four or five different districts in the region last week, but the effects are extremely localised and unlikely to have much impact on the overall crop figures, said Torres.

Rainfall last week was however, extremely welcome. "We really needed the rains and where they have fallen, they have had a very beneficial effect," he said.

The different climatic conditions have combined to produce a late start to the easy-peeler season this month however, and Torres reports that the harvest is running some five to 10 days behind recent averages. "Next week the Okitsu harveset will begin in earnest," he said. This will then be followed by Clausellina and the delay to the harvest is likely to be reflected across the range of varieties.

Grower organisations are being particularly vigilant this season that producers do not harvest their fruit too soon before full maturity is achieved. "The regional executive and national inspection authority Soivre have signed an agreement to work together and control premature harvesting," said Torres. "It is for the good of the whole industry."