Spanish berry recovery

The Spanish strawberry and raspberry crops are set to make a full recovery on last year and even outstrip 2004.

Acreage under strawberry production in the Spanish area of Huelva has risen three per cent on last year to 7,300ha. According to the producers’ association Freshuelva, which represents some 80 per cent of production, the total crop should reach some 300,000t - an improvement even on 2004 as well as last year’s frost-struck campaign.

Freshuelva also calculates that there will be a “considerable increase” in raspberry production given that area under the crop in the region is 25 per cent up on last year.

There is clear evidence this season that reliance on a single variety is fading as Camarosa accounts for 40 per cent of plants, Ventana 30 per cent and Candonga 20 per cent with the remaining 10 per cent made up of a range of other types. “We have to bear in mind that different markets want different berries,” said Freshuelva general manager Manuel Verdier. “Some want them smaller, larger or at different points in the season, that is why we need to broaden the variety range.”

Exports in 2004 accounted for 85 per cent of the total crop and Freshuelva is hoping for a similar figure this season.