Spanish berries under attack

Spanish strawberry growers federation Freshuelva is warning that unfair competition with Morocco and China has placed Spanish production under serious threat.

Product for processing in China is coming onto the market at a third of the price levels of Spanish berries at just e0.12.

“Either the EU takes a position on this or the sector in Huelva is seriously at risk,” said José Manuel Romero. If steps are not taken over the next two weeks “we will have to make stronger protests,” warned Romero.

On the fresh market, Romero was severely critical of Morocco, which has sent up to 1,000 tonnes of strawberries to market on a single day. “This dragged down prices immediately,” said Romero.

He described the European strawberry market as “saturated” with Morrocan product at levels significantly above normal levels. He his insisting on the same guaranteed quality levels from all sources.

With prices so rock bottom for processing fruit, it is not worth many growers harvesting their fruit and contracts risk not being fulfilled.