Spain's raspberry growers cautious

Raspberry growers in the Spanish region of Huelva have begun plantings that should bear fruit at the end of October or beginning of November.

Growers are cautious following a dip in fortunes last year, as the area under production climbed by 40 per cent on 2005-06 levels.

The result was a fall in prices of some 25 per cent year on year, according to figures compiled by sector organisation Freshuelva.

Growers have complained that demands placed on them in terms of quality, certification and post-harvest handling are increasing, but prices do not reflect increased investment.

However, despite rising acreage of both raspberries and blueberries, volume last season was affected by cloud coverage and low light levels.

Other grower bodies, such as Coag, have warned there is danger in the unbridled increase of soft fruit in Huelva, and suggest there are opportunities for a more developed processing industry.