Moncada in production

Moncada in production

New easy-peeler Moncada will be planted in the Valencia region next spring. The region’s executive has released plant material for the variety developed by its research institute Ivia to 28 nurseries. The material will be ready for grafting in the spring.

The variety is a straightforward hybrid and its parents are the clementine Oroval and mandarin variety Kara. It was first crossed more than 20 years ago and is recognised as having tremendous commercial potential, not only because of its taste characteristics, but also its marketing window.

The new fruit’s season runs from January to April which will fill a very important gap for Valencia’s growers at a time when there is very little easy-peel production in the region.

Moncada is characterised by a deep-orange coloured skin which is easy to peel and a good sugar-acidity balance. Its shape is slightly flattened and it is also medium-sized.

Meanwhile, the seizure by the Valencia authorities of five shipments of citrus too immature to be marketed, has been welcomed by the sector. “The administration should block shipments by unscrupulous senders who hinder the smooth running of the season,” said Joan Brusca of producers’ association Unió-Coag. “The poor practices of a few, jeopardise us all. This is a crucial season for the future of our citrus production and we must work professionally in order to avoid loss of consumption.”

The main problems have been with extra-early types such as Marisol and Okitsu. Citrus sector body Intercitrus introduced a minimum maturity indicator for clems in 2001 of seven degrees brix for the industry to adhere to.