The system touches on all aspects of production and marketing processes and adopts standards specific to each type of crop and method of cultivation. Regular checks ensure that only Spanish produce of the very highest quality reaches the market, and that farming methods are increasingly environment-friendly.

Producers and exporters association (Fepex) director, José Maria Pozancos Gomez-Escolar, said: 'In order to differentiate Fepex from other similar organisations, we are voluntary and self-financed. Fepex members are export growers, therefore quality is fundamental for us from all stages until the product reaches the consumer.' Prozancos added that the future of Fepex was dependent on the way clients and producers accepted the system. He stressed: 'It is important for the Spanish sector to have its own system for developing quality controls.' Speaking about the certification of UNE standards, certification body AENOR's standardisation technician Elena Ordozgioti said: 'We believe it is a consolidated system. It's been very useful for all products, and we will maintain it for new products that we bring through.' Outlining the main difference between AENOR and Eurep Gap, Ordozgioti said that AENOR covers more specific requirements than Eurep Gap, and follows a product at every stage from field to fork including the stages not included by the Eurep Gap system.