Spain predicts raspberry rise

Berry sector bosses in Spain are predicting a huge increase in the planted area of raspberries this winter.

José Manuel Romero of Freshuelva forecasts a 30 per cent increase in the area under production of raspberries this season and a 16 per cent decline in strawberry production.

Poor returns over the last few seasons for strawberries are the main reason for the changes.

According to Romero some 900-1,000ha have been under production of raspberries with an output of 9,000 tonnes this past season. But he believes some co-operatives and large grower groups are prepared to convert up to 100ha to raspberry production.

Juan Antonio Camacho of grower organisation Coag-Huelva believes this figure could rise to 1,500ha. “Growers are tired of poor seasons,” he said referring to recent strawberry campaigns. “The reason is that the crop is more profitable, even if it does have greater costs that strawberries.” He added that raspberries can be produced almost year round in Huelva.

While there is come concern about demand, Camacho believes European markets will continue to be able to absorb the increased Huelva production. The UK is the largest market for the region’s raspberries.

The difference in average prices for the two crops shows how tempting it is for Huelva growers to convert - last season average prices for a kilo of strawberries were €0.50-0.70 compared to €6.5 for raspberries, according to Camacho.