Promotional initiatives and public relations for Spanish Superior Seedless grapes help boost market share for participating retailers this summer, according to Foods from Spain.

The commercial arm of the Spanish embassy in the UK organised activities to promote the product during the season - this year running from mid-June to early August - as part of its 2006 integrated promotion. These included 6-sheet and trolley posters, advertising in retailer magazines, online and on radio, as well as the ever-popular Kids go Free on-pack promotion. This was complemented by public relations campaign in the lead up to and during the season.

According to TNS, four retailers showed significant increases in market share for white seedless in the four weeks ending August 13 - Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons and Somerfield - compared to the same period last year. Meanwhile, Marks & Spencer, The co-operative and a number of other retailers that did not run promotions, showed a dip in market share in these four weeks.

Director of Foods from Spain María José Sevilla said: “We are very pleased with the result of our promotion, which underlines the importance of supporting fresh produce with a range of activities to raise awareness while it is on shelf. This, along with the quality that Spain is able to deliver will help Superior Seedless grapes stand out against some of the competing sources emerging in the marketplace.”

Foods from Spain’s national promotion, to win more than 1,000 prizes including weekend holidays to the country and a car, comes to an end on December 31. The competition is based at, is free to enter with five proofs of purchase, and has run as part of Foods From Spain’s generic campaign.