Spain forecasts more lemons

Lemon volumes from Spain in the up-coming season are forecast to rise, according to sector body Ailimpo.

The Murcia-based association confirmed this week that overall volumes are likely to rise due to larger numbers, as well as larger sizes, of fruit.

The greatest rises will be in early Fino types while Verna volumes are forecast to be down by some 15 per cent.

Ailimpo spokesman Marcos Marín said that the picture could change due to climatic factors as the harvest is not due to start until next month, but the early forecast was “to enable commercial operators to get organised in plenty of time”.

Marín slammed the season just ended as “bad” highlighting the fact that some 250,000 tonnes of lemons remained on Spanish trees. “This was due to strong competition from Turkey and negative messages from some parties,” he claimed. “We urge people not to give out information that is not correct.”

According to Ailimpo, the area under production of lemons in Spain has not decreased. “But there is a need for Verna plantations to be renewed through a programme of variety improvement,” he warned.

More precise figures should be available during the first fortnight of September, said Marín.