Despite challenging trading conditions, consumer demand for quality British food and drink is driving trade sales and creating positive conditions and significant business for food producers.

Visitor numbers to the Taste of the West Trade Show, which took place at the end of March, were up by 30 per cent.

This show is the South West’s largest trade-only showcase of food, and attracts buyers who represent large multiples through to small hospitality and retail outlets.

Show organiser Mike Anderson said: “We are delighted that such a range of quality buyers attended from retail and foodservice outlets and with such a rise in visitor numbers, this event has firmly established itself as the premier regional British food and drink show.”

On the back of such success, and to help visitors clearly identify who they have come to see, the organisers are introducing a brand new event that will complement the 2010 Taste of the West Trade Show at Westpoint, Exeter.

The Source exhibition will run alongside the existing show, build on its strength, and have a strong food bias; attracting exhibitors who not only produce food and drink but who also supply complementary products and services.

The shows will be clearly identified for 2010 with one section being kept exclusively for Taste of the West Members, and the other section being open to any food or related company wishing to have a presence in the South West to promote their products and services.

“In 2010, we look forward to expanding the show to provide an even better and broader mix of food and related exhibitors, while being very conscious of maintaining the quality mix and emphasis on unique and passionate food producers,” Anderson said.

The Source exhibition and The Taste of the West Trade Show will both take place at Westpoint, Exeter on April 19-20 2010.
