South Tyrol Rubens on UK shelves

A new apple variety that crosses Gala and Elstar will be sent to the UK from South Tyrol this week as a premium line at one of the “big four” supermarkets, according to Alessio Martinelli, research and development direct at the Consorzio Italiano Vivasti (CIV).

The decision to grow the variety Rubens commercially was made after promising reports from trials in the Italian regions of South Tyrol and Piedmonte and in some areas in the Netherlands.

A total of 4,000 tonnes of Rubens apples will be produced this year.

CIV will co-ordinate the planting, growing and marketing of the variety.

The first UK-grown Rubens apples were produced this year by Norman Collett and Worldwide Fruit - and there is a lot of UK interest in growing the variety commercially, according to Martinelli.

The challenge when producing red apples is to make sure the consumer is satisfied with the complete product, he says.

“Red is a great colour for apples, as long as the consumer is happy with the inside and outside. The disappointment with the Red Delicious variety, as the window in which the variety eats well is very narrow and the product can be disappointing, should not be attached to all red apples.

“The Rubens variety combines a full flavour with a longer lasting crunch.”

CIV is also preparing to launch the large dark red Modi variety on the commercial market.

Martinelli said: “The Modi variety has been in development for 15 years, and the first Modi trees have been planted in the UK for trials this year.”