The South African department of agriculture, the Deciduous Fruit Producers Trust, the Citrus Growers Association, the Sub-Tropical Producers Association and the Fresh Produce Exporters Federation are organising a joint fruit industry stakeholders’ conference. This workshop is part of an overarching process to develop a fruit industry plan in line with government’s strategic plan for South African agriculture. Stakeholders in South Africa and more importantly overseas in key export markets are invited to attend.

The aim of the conference is to provide overview information on the project to all stakeholders feedback on the progress to date, and obtain guidance from stakeholders on issues related to project management and on the three main strategic thrusts of the project, i.e. access and participation, competitiveness and sustainability.

Fruit industry project steering committee and project team-members will be in attendance as well as industry stakeholders.

The conference is being held in Boksburg, near Johannesburg. Only 100 delegates may attend on a first come first come first served basis on August 13.

Further information is available from