Success: Niton Primary's children celebrate their competition win

Success: Niton Primary's children celebrate their competition win

An Isle of Wight-based school has won first place in the South African fruit industry's Help a South African School Competition.

Niton Primary School took first place with its year six children creating a project book on South Africa covering the nation’s cultural history.

Judges were particularly impressed with the project book’s section on a day in the life of a farm child and the school scooped first prize of £2,000 towards school equipment and facilities.

The competition, which launched in January, aims to promote South African fruit and to educate UK children about the country.

Jacques Du Preez product manager of Hortgro Services, the South African fruit growers’ association, explained: “We particularly wanted to highlight the South African fruit industry and the way it benefits its workers by providing housing, education and healthcare.”

Schools that entered were encouraged to donate unused school books and 200 boxes of books are set to be sent to impoverished South African schools later this summer.

Anchorsholme Primary School in Blackpool took second place in the competition - and a £1,000 prize - while Garth Primary School in Bridgend, Wales took third place and a prize of £500 towards school facilities. St Aldhelm’s Primary School in Poole came highly recommended and won £250.

Du Preez concluded: “The competition encourages schools to explore South Africa, its people and the way they live, which we feel is beneficial to all children in the UK."