According to recent news reports, South Africa's exports of apples and pears have reached their highest in history this year, boosted by relatively low stock levels in European markets.

The latest statistics from the Deciduous Fruit Producers' Trust indicate that apple exports for 2004 are up by three percent to 430,500 metric tons.

Pear exports grew even faster, increasing 35 percent to 253,400 metric tons. However, the growth in pear exports came off a relatively low base due to hail damage to last year's crop.

The European market, specifically the United Kingdom, is an important one for U.S.-grown apples and pears. As domestic supplies rebound this year, pressure will be on U.S. producers to export growing supplies in tandem with South Africa's March - June marketing period.

During 2003, the United States shipped 42,000 metric tons of apples and pears to Europe.