South Africa reports strong avo year

South Africa’s avocado growers have reported a successful year, exporting just under the forecast 10 million cartons.

Subtrop chief executive Derek Donkin said: “Almost 20 per cent of our 10 million cartons were sold in the UK, which has been consistently backed by South Africa’s generic PR-based programme under the banner ‘Summer Avocados fresh from the South African sun’, for the last 14 years.”

He was speaking on behalf of the South African Avocado Growers’ Association (SAAGA) at the Subtrop Marketing Symposium, held in Hazyview, Mpumalanga last month.

The 2009 campaign included extensive consumer media relations, designed to generate media coverage of the quality, versatility and health benefits of Summer Avocados, alongside an extensive programme of in-store activity. Run by Richmond Towers Communications campaign tactics included tray talkers, in-store demonstrations, holiday competitions, online advertising and in pack literature.

The editorial campaign resulted in more than 120m opportunities to see avocado messages, with an estimated PR value of over £6m.

Donkin added: “Now the season has drawn to a close, growers are gearing up 2010, when all eyes will be on South Africa because of the World Cup. We have exciting plans in place to make the most of this opportunity for South African avos in the UK.”