Somerfield has started to shout about its win at this year’s Re:fresh awards with a series of adverts in the national newspapers.

The ads, which feature a red cabbage in the form of a rosette and announce Somerfield as the fresh produce retailer of the year, were in the Sun, the Mirror, the Daily Mail and the Express.

The ads contain the strapline: “Our award goes to show that we’re simply the best at bringing you the freshest produce around.”

A company spokesman said: "Somerfield is very proud of its achievement at the Re:fresh Awards 2005.

“Winning the Foods from Spain Fresh Produce Multiple Retailer of the Year is a great endorsement of all the work we have put in with our suppliers to drive forward the quality, range and standards of fresh produce at Somerfield.

“We are determined to make the most of this award and communicate to our customers, and to potential customers, just how our focus on fresh has achieved significant improvements - and what better way to do this than by using a creative campaign featuring a cabbage rosette.”
