The new specific off-label approvals (SOLAs) for the residual and contact-acting herbicide, flumioxazin, in vining peas, carrots, parsnips and bulb onions have been altered to permit multiple low doses.
The new SOLAs in vining peas, carrots, parsnips and bulb onions, available as SumiMax, Digital and Guillotine, were applied for by the Horticultural Development Council (HDC), leading to a change in the limitation of one application per crop to multiple applications, providing the maximum total dose is not exceeded.
This request has been granted and will result in more flexible options for growers looking to control various weeds in these crops. There are no other changes in the conditions of use, such as timing or harvest intervals.
The SOLA for post-emergence use of flumioxazin in vining peas for the control of volunteer potatoes is now SOLA 1109, 1115 and 1113 of 2009, while the SOLA for use of flumioxazin in carrots and parsnips post-emergence for the control of volunteer potatoes is now SOLA 1111, 1112 and 1117 of 2009.
The SOLA for bulb onions post-emergence for control of volunteer potatoes and other weeds is now SOLA 1108, 1114 and 1116 of 2009.
Growers need to obtain a copy of the notice of approval to use flumioxazin in these crops via the CRD website or the HDC.
SumiMax, Digital and Guillotine are white, non-staining, easy-to-use suspension concentrates containing 300 gms ai/litre of flumioxazin. They are used for the control of a wide range of broad-leaved weeds, including charlock, chickweed, cleavers, common poppy, field pansy, fumitory, groundsel, speedwells, mayweed, red deadnettle and Shepherd’s purse, and some grass-weeds.