William Burgess

William Burgess

Solanum, a leading UK potato supplier and part of Produce World, is set to spend £1 million on new production facilities over the next 12 months.

The investment forms part of an ongoing capital expenditure plan, according to operations manager Alan Smith.

He said: “We will be introducing technology in late November that will reduce potato bruising, particularly on large potatoes.

“A significant change programme is taking place which will speed up the process and, more importantly, maintain our high quality standards.”

The introduction of new processes to Solanum’s washing and polishing equipment will replace a brush washer.

The company has also implemented an intensive training programme for all staff.

William Burgess, chief executive officer at Produce World, said: “Over the last few years we have made significant progress at Solanum throughout all aspects of the business.

“We understand our customers’ needs in line with consumer requirements and have put in place a number of leading initiatives to ensure sustainable growth in the future.”