Soil Association Scotland this week announced details of its June conference in Glasgow, which will put the focus squarely on the role of public catering, and school meals in particular.
The June 14 event, which will be held at Celtic Park in Glasgow, runs under the strapline ‘What’s for Lunch? Putting food at the heart of the curriculum.’ A variety of speakers will be on hand to highlight best practice in Scottish public eating, where healthy meals and the local sourcing of sustainably produced food is being put in the spotlight.
Scottish children have been under scrutiny after numerous studies indicated that the country is on the verge of an obesity epidemic. Children are also said to undertake less exercise than ever.
Soil Association Scotland reports that compelling arguments made by it and Scottish Environment LINK have convinced Scotland’s political parties to reconsider their public procurement policies, with the Labour and Green parties having pledged to tackle poor diet and food poverty north of the border.
Food for Life Scotland manager, Pam Rodway, said: “Our speakers will be exploring the links between our food choices and how they affect our health and the environment. It’s an important connection.
“We cannot expect people to change their eating habits unless they understand the reasons for doing so - for that reason, food must be a core part of the Scottish curriculum.”